Jan 15, 2016 and Seth Rogen in the role of Steve Wozniak, the not so public figure who changed the face of the world as co-founder of Apple in 1976.
Se grundaren av Apple som du aldrig har sett honom förr. Steve Jobs är ett intimt porträtt av den fantastiske ledaren för den digitala utvecklingen, b…
Set backstage at three iconic product launches and ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac, Steve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolu Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak: Co-founder of Apple and creator of the Apple II. Rogen admitted to not being familiar with Wozniak or his founding work with Apple. He met with Wozniak to prepare for the film, specifically picking up his tendency to move his hands around while speaking. 2014-10-30 · Seth Rogen is being eyed to play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak opposite Christian Bale in Sony’s Steve Jobs movie, while Jessica Chastain is also being sought for a role in the film, multiple 2014-10-30 · Variety reports that actor Seth Rogen has been cast to play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic from Sony:. Seth Rogen has been set to star as Steve Wozniak opposite Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Sony’s Steve Jobs Movie By Oliver Haslam | October 31st, 2014 With Christian Bale having now been confirmed as playing Steve Jobs in the upcoming biopic of the Apple co-founder, it seemed that Aaron Sorkin’s much delayed and at one point almost crippled project was starting to gather pace.
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Se trailer. Håll koll på alla premiärer med sektionspartner Steve Jobs · Kate Winslet. Joanna Hoffman · Seth Rogen. Steve Wozniak. + Visa fler Seth Rogen kommer att spela mot Christian Bale i den kommande filmen Rogen ska vara klar för rollen som Steve Wozniak, en av medgrundarna till Apple. (Kate Winslet) men också skeptiker som tidigare arbetskamraten Steve Wozniak (Seth Rogen) och journalisten Joel Pforzheimer (John Ortiz).
Filmen om Steve Jobs liv tar oss med bakom kulisserna under tiden före med Steve Wozniak grundade Jobs 1977 i Silicon Valley företaget Apple av bland annat Michael Fassbender Seth Rogen och Kate Winslet 2Den Steve Jobs.
Jun 29, 2016 Steve Wozniak seethed to his partner-turned-frenemy Steve Jobs in 1988 for,” Wozniak, er, Seth Rogen, levels at Michael Fassbender's Jobs.
In a phone interview on the Howard Stern show, Seth Rogan admits everything about his marijuana use on and off the set. Seth Rogen: I got a call that they were making this movie, and that they were looking for an actor to play Steve Wozniak and that I could come in and audition with Danny Boyle and Aaron Sorkin. Seth Rogen has been set to star as Steve Wozniak opposite Christian Bale in Sony's Steve Jobs biopic, sources confirm.
Seth Rogen is slated to play Steve "Woz" Wozniak, co-founder of Apple with Steve Jobs, in the new Danny Boyle-directed biopic "Jobs," sources told Variety.Christian Slater will play Jobs.
Especially given the fact that most of his other roles involve a stoner character. In a phone interview on the Howard Stern show, Seth Rogan admits everything about his marijuana use on and off the set. Seth Rogen: I got a call that they were making this movie, and that they were looking for an actor to play Steve Wozniak and that I could come in and audition with Danny Boyle and Aaron Sorkin. Seth Rogen has been set to star as Steve Wozniak opposite Christian Bale in Sony's Steve Jobs biopic, sources confirm. Variety reported on Oct. 15 that Bale was in talks to star in “Jobs Seth Rogen Steve Wozniak - H 2014 Danny Boyle is directing the untitled film Seth Rogen is being eyed to play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in Sony’s Steve Jobs biopic.
(Kate Winslet) men också skeptiker som tidigare arbetskamraten Steve Wozniak (Seth Rogen) och journalisten Joel Pforzheimer (John Ortiz). Sony Pictures är i diskussioner med den amerikanska komiska skådespelaren Seth Rogen för att spela Apple-grundare Steve Wozniak, enligt Variety. Filmen om Steve Jobs liv tar oss med bakom kulisserna under tiden före med Steve Wozniak grundade Jobs 1977 i Silicon Valley företaget Apple av bland annat Michael Fassbender Seth Rogen och Kate Winslet 2Den
Steve Jobs. Kate Winslet. Joanna Hoffman.
Inget är klart ännu men jag hade nog gärna sett Seth i den rollen. Välkommen till MovieZine!
Don't send Woz out to slap me around in the press. Anybody
Oct 25, 2015 Does Seth Rogan, who plays Steve Wozniak in the new Steve Jobs movie get high on the job? He seems to get high mostly all of the other
Apr 5, 2021 We are all pretty familiar with the real Steve Jobs, and how much actor Michael Fassbender looks (or doesn't Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak.
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Oct 30, 2014 Everything's coming up Steves for Danny Boyle's Jobs: Last week the Steve Jobs biopic got its Jobs and now it has its Wozniak, as Seth Rogen
+ Visa fler Seth Rogen kommer att spela mot Christian Bale i den kommande filmen Rogen ska vara klar för rollen som Steve Wozniak, en av medgrundarna till Apple.
Seth Rogen I swear Iove him Snygga Män, Gulliga Killar, Män, Kändisar,. Besök Seth Rogen to Play Steve Wozniak in Upcoming Steve Jobs Film - We've had.
Seth Rogen is slated to play Steve "Woz" Wozniak, co-founder of Apple with Steve Jobs, in the new Danny Boyle-directed biopic "Jobs," sources told Variety.Christian Slater will play Jobs. 2015-10-12 · Seth Rogen and Josh Gad have both played Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in movies about Wozniak's early partner who went on to become a tech icon, late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Sep 7, 2015 Technically Incorrect: Even saying that Seth Rogen plays him very well, the Apple co-founder believes the Danny Boyle-directed movie is the Seth Rogen eyed for Steve Wozniak role in Sony's Steve Jobs biopic. Oct 30, 2014 Variety reports that actor Seth Rogen has been cast to play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic from Sony:. Oct 16, 2015 Seth Rogen may play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in the new biopic “Steve Jobs,” but the actor had no idea who the tech icon was prior to Oct 9, 2015 Can Seth Rogen Compete for an Oscar as Steve Wozniak in Steve Jobs?
Seth Rogen spelar Apples medgrundare Steve Wozniak och företagets tidigare vd ägare John Sculley, Seth Rogen är Steve Wozniak, som tillsammans med Jobs skapade maskinen i ett garage, och Kate Winslet spelar Jobs I övrigt spelar Seth Rogen Steve Wozniak, grundare av Apple tillsammans med Jobs och Ronald Wayne, Jeff Daniels spelar John Sculley, före detta vd för Apple Steve Jobs-filmen får positiva recensioner, även från Steve Wozniak! Sorkin, and stars Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, and Seth Rogen. Boyle an den mestadels osympatiske Apple-grundaren Steve Jobs. att säga "hej" och den tidigare bästisen Steve Wozniak (Seth Rogen) Seth Rogen kommer att spela mot Christian Bale i den kommande filmen "Jobs", som handlar om framlidne Appleprofilen Steve Jobs, uppger källor till Variety Apples innovativa visionär Steve Jobs, som avled 2011, har begåvats på kollisionskurs med sin gamla kollega Steve Wozniak (Seth Rogen), Medverkande. Michael Fassbender - Skådespelare - Steve Jobs; Kate Winslet - Skådespelare - Joanna Hoffman; Seth Rogen - Skådespelare - Steve Wozniak Steve Jobs är en amerikansk dramafilm med officiell biopremiär den 23 oktober Seth Rogen, – Steve Wozniak (medgrundare av Apple Inc. och skapare av och Aaron Sorkins nya film Steve Jobs, med Michael Fassbender i huvudrollen som Apple-bossen och Seth Rogen som Michael Wozniak, Actors: Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen Steve-Jobs-Michael-Fassbender-Aaron-Sorkin-Danny-Boyle One who really surprised me was Seth Rogen who you usually see on comedy movies, he played the great Wozniak and Den Danny Boyle-regisserade och Aaron Sorkin-skrivna "Steve Seth Rogen spelar grundaren Steve Wozniak som år efter år försöker få Jobs undergivna och av Jobs ständigt mobbade originalmedarbetare Andy Hertzfeld (Michael Stuhlbarg), urbrodern Steve Wozniak (Seth Rogen) Regisserad av Oscarsvinnaren® Danny Boyle, skriven av Oscarsvinnaren® Aaron Sorkin och med Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen och Jeff I rollerna: Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen m fl. Scenerna där Jobs och hans tekniska snille Steve Wozniak träter om modellen Skådespelaren tar hand om den viktiga tolkningen Michael Fassbender, Flankerad av Seth Rogen i rollen som Steve Wozniak. Om du också brinner för Som medlem av Fassbender (som kommer att spela Jobs) är Seth Rogen som Apple-grundare av Steve Wozniak och Kate Winslet som Joanna Hoffman, Klippet innehåller utdrag från filmen och med Steve Wozniak.