Definition of peripheric in the dictionary. Meaning of peripheric. What does peripheric mean? Information and translations of peripheric in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Imaging of the Retina and Optic nerve by Mean of Optical Coherence Long-term follow-up of a large pedigree with a Phe211Leu mutation of the peripherin/
Learn more. Definition of peripheral. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface part. 2 a : of, relating to, affecting, or being part of the peripheral nervous system peripheral nerves peripheral neuritis. b : of, relating to, or being blood in the systemic circulation peripheral lymphocytes. peripheral vascular disease (PVD) any disorder affecting blood flow through the veins and arteries distal to the heart. Disruption of circulation in the peripheral veins can be caused by venous stasis, hypercoagulability, or injury to the vein wall secondary to immobility, orthopedic surgery, aging, and dehydration.
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peripheral meaning, definition, what is peripheral: not as important as other things or peop: Learn more. What does Medical & Science Prph stand for? Hop on to get the meaning of Prph. The Medical & Science Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang Prph means Peripherin. by peripherin.
Antonyms for periphery.
periphery: 1 n the outside boundary or surface of something Synonyms: fringe , outer boundary Type of: bound , boundary , edge a line determining the limits of an area
peripheral definition: 1. Something that is peripheral is not as important as something else: 2. happening at the edge of…. Learn more.
per·i·pher·in. A glycoprotein apparently necessary to maintain the shape of the outer segment disc membranes of rods and cones; it is thought by many investigators that a defect in peripherin is associated with certain types of blindness.
peripheral definition: 1.
the external boundary of any surface or area. the external surface of a body. the edge or outskirts, as of a city or urban area. the relatively minor, irrelevant, or superficial aspects of …
Peripherin is an important protein that regulates the formation and renewal of photoreceptor disc outer segments. It is an integral membrane protein consisting of 346 amino acids that is localized to the rim region of rod and cone outer segments. 60 It also complexes with a homologous protein called ROM1. 20 synonyms of periphery from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 23 related words, definitions, and antonyms.
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PRPH stands for Peripherin. PRPH is defined as Peripherin frequently. Synonyms for periphery in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for periphery. 33 synonyms for periphery: boundary, edge, border, skirt, fringe, verge, brink, outskirts, rim, hem peripherin in a sentence - Use "peripherin" in a sentence 1.
It is also associated with some of the major neuropathologies that characterize amyotropic lateral sclerosis, but despite extensive research into how neurofilaments and peripherin contribute to ALS, their role in this disease is still unidentified. peripheral [pĕ-rif´er-al] pertaining to or situated at or near the periphery. peripheral vascular disease (PVD) any disorder affecting blood flow through the veins and arteries distal to the heart.
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Define Peripheric. Peripheric synonyms, Peripheric pronunciation, Peripheric translation, English dictionary definition of Peripheric. a. 1. See Peripheral. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co
the less important part of a group or activity: Many women feel they are being kept on the periphery of the armed forces. n. pl. pe·riph·er·ies 1.
Peripherin is predominantly found in the PNS (hence its name), but some CNS neurons also express peripherin. As described above, peripherin was identified as a gene that was increased in PC12 cells upon stimulation by nerve growth factor. Peripherin has also been shown to be up-regulated following axonal injury.
Synonyms for periphery in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for periphery. 33 synonyms for periphery: boundary, edge, border, skirt, fringe, verge, brink, outskirts, rim, hem peripherin in a sentence - Use "peripherin" in a sentence 1.
Peripherin. Peripherin is a type III Intermediate filament protein expressed mainly in neurons of the peripheral nervous system. It is also found in neurons of the central nervous system that have projections toward peripheral structures, such as spinal motor neurons. Its size, structure, and sequence/location of protein motifs is similar to other Houses have been built on the periphery of the factory site. The ring road runs around the periphery of the city centre. the less important part of a group or activity: Many women feel they are being kept on the periphery of the armed forces. n.