AVTECH Sweden AB (publ) - Företrädesemission 2013 5 Sammanfattning AVTECH har f n sex kommersiella kontrakt avseende Aventus NowCastTM, varav ett är i kom-mersiell intäktsgenererande drift och övriga kontrakt bedöms vara i intäktsgenererande drift i närtid.


AVTECH Software is a privately owned US based company who have been in existence since 1988, specialising in environment monitoring hardware and software. Their customer base includes wide use throughout US government and Military establishments. Their range of environment and temperature monitors offer robust value for money solutions.

AVTech. Pris: 9 999 kronor (Huvudenhet samt 4 kameror) Anslutningar: huvudenhet 4 videoingångar, komposit ut, vga ut, lan, stereo in. Enklare lösningar Uppdatering: Avtech fick in 15 Mkr i nyemissionen under november, vilket ger en post money-värdering på 75,2 Mkr. Uppdatering: Avtech fick in ytterligare 1,9 Mkr via övertilldelningsoptionen. Värdering post money 77,1 Mkr. AVTECH SWEDEN AB (PUBL) | DELÅRSRAPPORT JAN-DEC 2020 5 AVTECH har här en unik tillgång till flygplanets 4-dimensionella flygbana i realtid från start till landning vilken skulle kunna delas med Eurocontrol och andra intressenter. AVTECHs nya tjänst för optimering av flygprofilen har i drift uppvisat en potential att spara 1.6%.


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Corporate Entity (Not Tax Exempt). avtech, avn807, ip camera, network camera, push video camera, surveillance camera. Köp aktier i Avtech Sweden B - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage.

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AVTECH Software is a privately owned US based company who have been in existence since 1988, specialising in environment monitoring hardware and software. Their customer base includes wide use throughout US government and Military establishments. Their range of environment and temperature monitors offer robust value for money solutions.

For additional information call (951) 352-8180 or email info@avtech-exams.com. Providing Virtual Engineering solutions: Virtual Prototyping, Virtual Manufacturing , Virtual Testing. Development of extraordinarily efficient numerical 3D models  Avtech Sweden B. ISIN SE0004270445; Trading.


AVTech South Africa. AVTECH, founded in 1996, is one of the world's leading CCTV manufacturers. With stably increasing revenue and practical business running philosophy, AVTECH has been ranked as the largest public-listed company among the Taiwan surveillance industry.


The Air Vehicle Technology Symposium is a biennial forum where the air vehicle technical community gathers to present and discuss the latest air vehicle technology advancements and challenges. Leader in Push Video HDCCTV, IP Camera, CCTV camera, DVR, IVS Network camera, EagleEyes mobile surveillance, NVR, NAS and CMS total solution. The proven, user configurable VoIP radio dispatch products & solutions by Avtec selected by mission critical industries to ensure reliable, fail-safe radio dispatch communications and business operations.


With stably increasing revenue and practical business running philosophy, AVTECH has been ranked as the largest public-listed company among the Taiwan surveillance industry. ‎Download apps by Avtech, including EagleEyesHD Lite, EagleEyesHD Plus, EagleLinkIT - Access Control, and many more.
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Med AVTECH's produkter underlättas övervakning av fastigheter och områden som  AVTECH Sweden AB (publ), 556568-3108 är ett aktiebolag i Kista som registrerades år 1999 och är verksamt inom Teknisk konsultverksamhet inom  AVTECH Sweden AB: AVTECH's webinar on ClearPath generates great interest. The webinar was held with the objective of providing  Här hittar du ett komplett sortiment av billiga Avtech trådlös övervakningskamera (wi-fi) från olika butiker på nätet.
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Leader in Push Video HDCCTV, IP Camera, CCTV camera, DVR, IVS Network camera, EagleEyes mobile surveillance, NVR, NAS and CMS total solution.

Established in 1992, AVTech applies its professional services in consulting & solution architecture, project management, business analysis, systems analysis, transition management, managed AVTECH X5 All-in-One is a modern technology designed for daily efficient operation that has everything, including built-in webcam and microphone, to make great solutions for your business.

Monitor real-time temperature, humidity, flood, power and more with instant alerting and historical reporting. AVTECH has been protecting critical facilities and assets for over 30 years in over 185 countries world-wide.

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